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About (english)
What is allows you to create your own pages in seconds. Simply insert text and click "Publish" – done. You can also embed images and videos by using the icons in the edit-bar.
After that you can let your friends on Facebook or Twitter know by simply clicking the buttons underneath your post, or by sending the URL of your post by email, or even post it elsewhere.
What’s special about is completely free – no sign-up required. It’s entirely your decision if you prefer to stay anonymous or let out your real name.
Creating posts
Just type your own text directly into the box or copy and paste from other sources (e.g. a document-file).
You can drag and drop images directly into the box, but they need to be uploaded elsewhere first (e.g. at Respecting copyright is mandatory, but there are no limitations of course with your own photos.
Alternatively you might also use the “Insert Image”-button and insert the URL of the image you’d like to add.
Embedding a video is dead-easy. Simply copy the YouTube-URL into the box – done.
Important note: To make the video visible you have to place your cursor right behind the URL and confirm by hitting „Return“ on your keyboard. Otherwise only the URL will be displayed.
Alternatively you can also copy the „Embed“-code from YouTube and insert it by clicking on the “Insert Video”-icon in the edit bar.
Document title, author, etc.
You can give your document a name and add the author’s name if you wish. This will be of some importance if you want search-engines to be able to find and index your pages properly. Check the “Options”-tab for the “Title”-box. You can also choose a concise URL, if you don’t, will generate a short, random URL. as a notepad
Since is to handle so easily you can even use it as a virtual notepad. Write, publish, done. This way you will always be able to access notes and records later, wherever you’re able to go online.
How long can a text be?
For now 50,000 characters fit on one page. With images and videos the number of characters in the URL counts.
Password and subsequent changes or modifications
The use of does generally not require a password or sign-up, but if you want to change a certain text or article later you will of course need a password you choose priorly. This allows you to modify your page after you published it.
But note: You have to set a password BEFORE you publish. Check the “Options”-tab for “Writing-Password”.
You can also pass that password on to others, so several people have access to your text and are able to work on it.
Legal Notice
We are just content facilitators. None of our user’s posts will be adopted by us be or proactively reviewed. As a user it is entirely your responsibility to conform to rules and laws of your country. We ban anything that’s inappropriate, which especially counts for glorification of violence, racism, defamation and copyright theft. We reserve the right to delete your content in the case of getting notice that you violate applicable laws.